10 Dec 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Reads of Christmas, Past, Present and Future

You get the title of the post. I know, I thought it was quite clever. Very good for another seasonal post for Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the Artsy Reader Girl blog.

So without further ado, here are my books

Books of Christmas Past 

Books I've Read in the Last Year or So, which have some theme or plot-line relating to Christmas.

 Books of Christmas Present

Seasonal Books that I plan to read very soon. In the next few weeks- I hope. Since two of these are novellas that should be achievable. 

Books of Christmas Future 

You know what this is going to be: yes, Christmas Books I have on my TBR List and Plan to read in future. Though heaven knows when that will be. You can read books set at Christmas all year 'round right? 



  1. Nice take on this week's topic! I like the sound of The Victorian Christmas Bride's Collection. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. How fun! I hope you enjoy reading your books of Christmas present and future.

    My TTT.

  3. What a fun way to set up you're posts! I need to keep this in mind for next year. You should submit it next year to Artsy Reader girl as a December idea.

    My TTT.

  4. I should read more Christmas books. It’s one of my favorite holidays, but I don’t read about it very often.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. Love this! I keep seeing Christmas Heirloom on lists. I hope you enjoy your holiday reads this month!

    My TTT


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